Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sex & Tea.... How Odd?

It seems that an odd new trend might be developing, which sees our favourite hot beverage suddenly becoming linked to sex. Both PG Tips and Yorkshire Tea have new ads hitting the small screen that rely on something that I can't imagine being further from a cup of tea in any way. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bothered by the subject but I'm not sure I'd want my tea brand linked to sex. It seems like an odd coupling to me (pardon the possible pun there?). Anyways, the ads are live so I'll let you judge for yourself.

PG Tips

Johnny Vegas and his pal Monkey do the Meg Ryan "fake orgasm" scene from 'When Harry Met Sally'. The spot, which was created by Mother, is all about just how excited Monkey gets over his cup of PG Tips when johnny asks him to describe just how good it tastes. The scene is done as an almost 100% imitation. It is set in a cafe very similar to 'When Harry Met Sally' and sees Monkey shouting "Oh yes!", to have a woman at a nearby table tell the waitress: "I'll have what he's having". The ad finishes by asking viewers to find their way to best describe the taste of tea.

Yorkshire Tea

Yorkshire Tea have just launched a new ad for their 'Teatime's Important' campaign. The ad sees a young couple stop what their about to do to enjoy a nice cuppa. The ad, created by Beattie McGuiness Bungay, shows a Yorkshire couple enjoying a very passionate embrace before the young man whispers (in an extremely prominant Yorkshire accent) "would you like a cup of tea?" His counterpart is delighted by the offer and the pair put things on hold to have a cup of Yorkshire Tea before continuing their fun.

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