Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Crazy New Coke Ad

Happiness Factory I get. It's fun, it's got history, there's a story, it develops. Sure it's a little wacky, that crazy world going on inside a coke machine, but at the same time it makes sense - there is some sort of believability in it. Then Coke comes out with this...

I need someone to explain it to me. I really do. Where did it come from and what is it all about exactly? I just don't see how it fits in with anything else Coke are doing.


I completely missed that this ad is part of a much larger campaign. The music for this ad was done by the genius Calvin Harris! (interview below) and there's a fantastic microsite too! The funny thing is, after messing around with the site for a while - I totally get this ad, and I'm really starting to love it.


Jennie said...

I have no idea...but I'm guessing they're giving a nod to the iconic '60s Coke ad featuring all those hippy hipsters singin' on a hill.

Daisy said...

you know, I wish I could explain how it all makes sense. I suppose it's linked to the funky looking creatures from the happiness factory. Either way, I think it would be a good sponsorship ad for a music festival of sorts.

Christian Hughes said...

Hey Daisy - definitely an idea alright - just have to find one that was suitably funky and down to earth.

Richie Fitz said...

This might help: "According to Johnny Ng, planner at Mother London, the fizzy drink giant wanted to have ‘an overarching idea.’ He adds: ‘Summer is such an important time for Coca-Cola but each year we alternate between music, football, and a whole raft of other" http://www.contagiousmagazine.com/News%20Article.aspx?REF=1086&IsArchive=false

Christian Hughes said...

Just discovered this was done by Calvin Harris (updated the post) and there's an AWESOME microsite!