Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Next Generation of Social Marketing

I'm not entirely sure if Social Marketing (in its digital form) has been around long enough to get a 'next generation', but either way this is a must see slideshow from Nedra Weinreich's Social Marketing University.

Nedra was kind enough to contact me to clarify that Social Marketing has been around for about 30 years. It strictly refers to the use of marketing to address health and social issues. This presentation is about incorporating social media marketing into social marketing programs.

cheers Nedra - Chrisatian

1 comment:

Nedra Weinreich said...

Hi Christian,
Thanks for embedding my slideshow here! Just to clarify, social marketing - in the correct usage of the term - is a field that has been around for about 30 years and uses marketing to address health and social issues. This presentation is about how to incorporate social media marketing into social marketing programs - hence, the next generation. Hope that helps!