Thursday, August 13, 2009

Guinness 250 Years Celebrations: Update

I posted about the Guinness 250 Years Celebrations back in July. The celebrations take place on September 24th and mark 'Arthur’s Day', the annual celebration of the founding of Guinness. The main thrust of the day's celebrations will revolve around gigs at 4 venues and 28 pubs, who are playing host to a host of international superstars.

Today, however, Guinness have confirmed that the days celebrations will be pinnacled with performances from Sir Tom Jones, Kasabian and Estelle at Guinness's own Hopstore 13, at St James’s Gate Brewery. Hopstore 13 will be transformed into a live music venue to allow more than 2,000 visitors to enjoy this remarkable milestone in the legacy of Arthur Guinness.

Tickets for the Hopstore 13 gig will be available through Guinness consumer promotions.

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