Thursday, July 30, 2009

Kwik Fit Obama Viral

Barack Obama endorsing Kwik Fit!


Well, not quite. The most powerful man in the world isn't actually putting his name behind the chain of tyre and exhaust centres. According to Marketing Magazine Kwit Fit produced the film for the Kwik Fit annual general meeting. From there, the rest is history.

The viral is a mix of clips from speeches by Obama and was put together by DDB London.

hat tip to Nick for this one :)


Nick Burcher said...

Thanks for the hat tip! I'm not sure about this one though. Cassette Boy did something similar (and superior) for the Apprentice and it got a lot of views - so in theory following the same principle and applying it to Obama should work out nicely? As I said I'm not sure, we'll have to wait and see - especially as there seems no sign of a seeding strategy.

I think the most interesting thing with this is that it was a film created for an internal audience at the Kwik Fit AGM rather than a film created primarily for YouTube / video distribution. With the right seeding push it could do well, but it feels more like a 'toe in the water' / 'lets see what happens piece of activity'.

Christian Hughes said...

Hey Nick, I'd have to agree - I don't see how this could get very big, though having said that I did tweet it this morning and saw it retweeted several times, plus we've both blogged it so who knows? Some small part of me would like to see it go nuts, just because I think it's pretty cool.