Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Is this a sign of hard times...

I just saw a tv ad for Mindshare on 3e. I'm fairly sure I've never seen an ad on Irish tv for any high profile marketing or media agency. Actually, correction, for any marketing or media agency. Is this a signal of particular hard times for Mindshare? Or perhaps they're ahead of the game and next week Ogilvy will have a spot during Champions League half time? Doubtful.


Rach said...

"Hard times" are everywhere! It seems only an example.

Christian Hughes said...

Raquel, I completely agree, hard times are everywhere. I suppose my direct interest here was as an Account Manager with a marketing agency, and the fact that I have never seen an Irish marketing or media agency advertise on tv, or even in the press for that matter. Advertising is generally limited to PPC and some B2B display ads on industry specific sites.

It just seems so odd that Mindshare would do a tv ad, and see it as a financially sound way to drum up new business.

Rach said...

Ok! I'm sorry but my english is not very good. I think that the crisis makes that this company, like other ones, consider any others ways to get more clients. I'm agree with you, it seems odd: that this company advertise on TV but the "hard times" are for almost all! Adapting oneself or dying!

Rach said...
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Christian Hughes said...

I suppose my point is that tv is extremely expensive for the returns it will provide to a company of this type. I don't see any sense in using a tv ad, when any form of web advertising (PPC, Affiliate or Display) would make far more sense.

Anonymous said...

only guessing here, but sometimes agencies during the course of their business dealings accumulate credits (which they usually apply to their clients) but perhaps mindshare decided to use the air time for their own purposes? i somehow doubt they paid for it. if they did i suspect they'd be on a fuller campaign accross other media....perhaps they are? i don't watch much television or read papers! certainly not seen them advertising on the web save google ad words etc as you say yourself.

Christian Hughes said...

That makes a lot of sense Mark, I hadn't considered that (so long since I worked with traditional media!). I agree my with your point on payment too - it would be extremely surprising to think they paid for it. Time to open the business card folio and see if anyone I know is still working in Mindshare who might be able to shed some light.